General Advising Drop-in Hours:
Monday, Thursday, Friday: 9:00 – 11:30 am, 1:00 – 3:30 pm
Tuesday, Wednesday: 9:30 – 11:30 am, 1:00 – 3:30 pm
Honors Advising SUMMER Drop-In Hours:
Tuesday: 9:30-11:30 am (Phone or join the Zoom room) (Beginning July 22nd)
Join the "Advising Drop-ins (General & Honors): In person, Phone, or Zoom" queue.
Once you join the QLess line, you'll receive texts with expected wait time and regular updates about your place in line. We'll call you once you reach the front of the line. (Advisors may be calling from a blocked number, so make sure your phone can receive blocked calls.)
TRANSFER STUDENTS: Join the "Same Day Transfer Advising Queue" on QLess.
For IN-PERSON ADVISING: Come to our office at 1117 Cheadle Hall and check-in with an advisor at the front desk. You may also join the appropriate QLess line on your phone and select “Phone” for Contact Type. When you receive a call, please let the advisor on the phone know you want to request in-person. NOTE: IN-PERSON ADVISING MAY HAVE A LONGER WAIT TIME and we recommend phone advising instead to get assistance faster.
No U.S. phone number? Send to during our advising hours. Include your name, perm number, and your questions, and indicate in the subject line: ZOOM DROP-IN. Please be prepared to receive a Zoom invitation and join the meeting within 25 minutes (time can vary depending on how busy we are) after we confirm your request. If the Advising Drop-in Queue is closed, we will NOT accept Zoom drop-in requests. Please note this method for requesting Zoom is only for students who do NOT have access to a United States phone number. If you can be contacted by phone, please join the Advising Drop-Ins (General & Honors) Queue and indicate "Zoom" for Contact Type instead.
NOTE: Advising Drop-ins (via phone, Zoom or in person) is available during all the days and times above. If you try to get in line during these times, but QLESS indicates that a "location" is “closed”, we have reached the maximum number of students QLess predicted we could serve. Sometimes, we can get through the list faster than QLess predicted, so please try again later or during our next advising hours.
Join the QLess "Advising Drop-ins (General & Honors)" queue during our regular hours listed above. Discuss your concerns with the advisor who will, as necessary, schedule a follow-up appointment.
First-year (a.k.a., "freshmen") and sophomores may also use the Qless "Peer Advising Appointments" queue to schedule an appointment with a peer advisor. NOTE: Appointments cannot be scheduled for the same or next day and may be scheduled no more than 2 weeks in advance. If you get the message "No days available", this means there currently are no available appointments.
Transfer Students: Click here to make an appointment with a Transfer Advisor at the Transfer Student Center.
Be sure to send your email using your UCSB email if possible and include your name and perm number with your question(s). Please allow 1-3 business days for a response. You may send emails to these specialty departments:
- General Advising:
- Honors Advising:
- Transfer Students Advising:
- International Students Advising:
- Undeclared & Transitions Students Advising:
- Pre-Health Advising:
PRE-PROFESSIONAL ADVISING is also available: Visit the Pre-Health or Pre-Law website on how to schedule an appointment.
IMPORTANT Information about Course Enrollment: While advisors will be glad to talk to you about courses you're considering, advisors will NOT choose your courses for you or put you into full classes. If a course is full, please use GOLD to get on the waitlist. Click here to learn about how the waitlist works. To find courses that have space, use the “Advanced Search” feature on GOLD, choose the department and select "Open Sections Only". You can also attempt to “crash” a class by going to the first day of lecture.
College Advising Mission
Academic advisors help students achieve their goals by sharing knowledge and also by partnering with students to analyze their options at UCSB and beyond. We aim to be an indispensable resource to connect students with great opportunities and the many sources of support at UCSB that are essential for student success.
The Advising Partnership
The most successful advising experiences are built on relationships in which the student and advisor work together in mutual responsiveness and commitment. To build these relationships we encourage students to pursue regular conversations with our advisors. We also invite students to explore the many online resources that are available. These online materials provide important information regarding requirements as well as programs and opportunities which can greatly enhance the undergraduate experience. Exploring the online resources can also help students get even more from their meetings with advisors.
For more information on how our office works with students, check out our Welcome to Advising video.