Exploring Law

Exploring Law

Evaluating Law as a Possible Career Are you wondering whether or not the law profession is right for you? As you explore this potential career choice, here are some important questions to consider:

  • Have I acquainted myself with the law profession and developed a realistic expectation of what the career entails by speaking directly with lawyers accross different fields of interest?
  • Does the law profession or do certain fields of law seem fitting to my personality, preferences, and strengths?
  • Have I gained at least a rudimentary understanding of what it is like to be a law student for three years? Does the challenge of law school seem manageable, or even appealing?
  • Am I prepared for the financial impact of paying for law school and, despite the possibility of a large debt upon graduation, am I convinced it is worth it for me?
  • And, probably the most important question: do I want to be a lawyer? Law schools prepare their students to become lawyers. If you are interested in other fields related to law but do not actually want to be a lawyer, consider exploring a path in an alternate field.

    We strongly recommend that you connect with a pre-law advisor to discuss these questions and potential alternate programs that may more directly connected to your goals than law school.

Resources for Prospective Law Students UCSB offers two main avenues for guiding prospective law students:

  1. For students who are still in the process of exploring law, in addition to meeting with on of our pre-law advisors through drop-ins or appointments, UCSB Career Services offers several assessment tools to help students determine if the profession is fitting for them.
  2. Students who are ready to plan and pursue their paths to law school generally work with the Pre-Law Advisors available through this site, but can also access additional support through Career Services.
  3. For additional support, see our pre-law organizations listed through additional resources page.